Lanai City, Lanai Island
Your gifts have helped Lanai Baptist Church serve their community in practical ways such as mowing, trimming weeds, and making home repairs.
Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia.
Living on the small island of Lanai, Pastor Tim and Mary Belcher and the congregation of Lanai Baptist Church, are constantly thinking of ways they can minister to their small community. Their deacons are always looking out for kupuna who need help around the house. While they do cut the grass, trim the weeds, fix the lanai, or do small house repairs, they do so with a purpose. They want to establish relationships with these folks for the purpose of sharing the gospel. Doing these ministries requires equipment. And equipment is hard to come by on the island of Lanai. Your gifts to the Sue Nishikawa Offering helped Lanai Baptist Church purchase the equipment needed to minister to their community.
The congregation of Lanai Baptist Church spends the 5th Sundays of the year reaching out into the community. Pastor Tim has preached from Romans 10 where Paul asks how can they believe in the name of the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear unless someone tells them? And how will someone tell them unless someone goes? Pastor Tim said, “I told them the only way someone is going to hear the truth, the gospel, is if we tell them because faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of Christ. So, our emphasis is not just meeting a physical need but their spiritual one as well since that is the most important one.”
As the congregation ministers to their community on 5th Sundays and other days, pray that they will continue to show their love to the community, to be a light in the community, and to bring salvation to the people of Lanai for His glory.
- Pray for continued opportunities to serve the kupuna in their community.
- Ask God for opportunities for them to share the Gospel with the people of Lanai.
2 Minute “I am Hawaii Pacific Missions” Theme Video
PRAYER GUIDE (Single Page)
PRAYER GUIDE (Bulletin Insert)
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Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia.
The Sue Nishikawa Offering for Hawaii Pacific Missions supports the missions and ministries of Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention churches. Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia. Thank you for your faithful commitment and prayers. You are Hawaii Pacific Missions.