Kalaheo, Kauai Island
Your gifts have helped to provide equipment KHCN can use to reach out to many communities on Kauai with the love of Christ. Because they have no church building, this trailer allows them to meet people by missionally going into communities around Kauai.
Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia.
Because Kauai House Church Network meets in homes and parks around the island, Pastor Stephen Ventura works at being proactive in order to meet people in the community to make connections and build relations. Hosting block parties and movie nights around the communities of Kauai will allow their church to:
- Have a presence in their community
- Connect with their community
- Create opportunities to share the Gospel, make disciples, and possibly start new house churches.
The Sue Nishikawa Offering Funds assisted the KHCN in the purchase of a trailer and equipment that will allow them to do just that. Pastor Stephen and Diana and their church want to get to know people and engage them in gospel conversations, while creating an awareness of the beauty and love of Christ and His church. Their goal is to meet people by “missionally” going to the different communities around the island providing a fun and safe environment where people can come and experience the love of Christ and hear the Gospel message.
They plan to engage the communities by putting up banners and passing out flyers in the neighborhoods where they are holding their events. When the people arrive, they will fill out an information card, including their prayer requests. There will be prizes, games and activities as well as music, food and free resources all in a fun and relaxed environment. As they engage their community, through your gifts to the Sue Nishikawa Offering, you have a part in their work.
- Pray for KHCN to proactively engage their island and create opportunities to get to know people.
- Ask God to provide opportunities to engage in Gospel conversations as they serve Kauai.
2 Minute “I am Hawaii Pacific Missions” Theme Video
PRAYER GUIDE (Single Page)
PRAYER GUIDE (Bulletin Insert)
More offering promotions are available at hpbaptist.net/suenishikawa.
Online Giving
Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia.
The Sue Nishikawa Offering for Hawaii Pacific Missions supports the missions and ministries of Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention churches. Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia. Thank you for your faithful commitment and prayers. You are Hawaii Pacific Missions.