Your gifts have helped to support VBS around our islands and in the Pacific. VBS is often the biggest evangelistic outreach opportunity for our churches.
Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia.
Here are some reasons why your church should consider holding VBS and the Sue Nishikawa Offering can help provide the supplies and curriculum you need.
- For most churches, VBS is the largest event for children during the year. It is also the best opportunity to reach more kids at one time with the life-changing message of Jesus. Vacation Bible School is one of the most consistently effective and productive events a church can plan.
- Many kids will come to VBS when they might never have come to your church otherwise. Many parents might say ‘no’ to church but will say ‘yes’ to VBS!
- VBS shows parents that your church really cares about their kids. These new parents will be watching to see how friendly your church is, how organized, and how much we act like Jesus. If parents can see that you love their children, you’ve just built a connection and potentially opened their heart’s door to the gospel.
- VBS gives you five days of gospel presentations and Christian influence. That’s a huge window of opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work.
- Kids get saved and make life changing decisions for Christ at VBS! Oftentimes, if a VBS is evangelistic in its outreach, there will be as many or more salvations in that one week than the rest of the entire year!
VBS has great potential, but it really needs to be an intentional outreach opportunity, reaching the hearts and souls of those you might not be able to reach otherwise. Your church doesn’t have to shoulder all of the expenses alone. Every HPBC Baptist who gives to the Sue Nishikawa Offering for Hawaii Pacific Missions can have a part in your VBS event. The funds are there, you just have to ask.
- Pray for children and their parents to respond to the Gospel through VBS.
- Pray for the VBS programs to bring glory to God and further His Kingdom.
2 Minute “I am Hawaii Pacific Missions” Theme Video
PRAYER GUIDE (Single Page)
PRAYER GUIDE (Bulletin Insert)
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Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia.
The Sue Nishikawa Offering for Hawaii Pacific Missions supports the missions and ministries of Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention churches. Every single dollar you give helps advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Hawaii, the Pacific, and Asia. Thank you for your faithful commitment and prayers. You are Hawaii Pacific Missions.