Sunday Highlight: November 2, 2025
Let’s pray today for one of our missionary couples serving in South Asia. We’ll call them Owen and Mila, not their real names. They serve in an area with heavy security concerns.
Let’s pray for Owen and Mila, and their young son we’ll call Jamin. But we also want to highlight today the great support that our International Mission Board provides to our missionaries when they have problems.
By age 2, Jamin had learning problems, but help was not available where they were in South Asia. Owen and Mila thought they might have to return to the U.S. and resign as missionaries.
But the IMB arranged for education and speech specialists to provide special materials, training and help to the missionaries where they were.
After a year of this, Jamin had made remarkable improvements. He continued to need help. Recently he completed his first year of college and played on the tennis team — a great outcome.
Let’s thank God that our mission board supports our missionaries who need extra help. Of course, our church’s Cooperative Program giving helps make this possible.
Let’s pray for Owen and Mila as they serve and for missionary kid Jamin as he studies.
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