Sunday Highlight: January 29, 2023
Today, for our prayer time, we’re going to Spain, but we’ll be speaking Chinese. We’re going to pray for two of our missionaries serving in Spain. We’ll call them Walker and Becca. They serve in Spain, but they are working to reach the many Chinese people who have settled in Spain. Did you know there are many Chinese-speaking people in Spain? Our church is happy that our missionaries, Walker and Becca, are there for them.
A while back they visited a university near Madrid, the capital city, because most years hundreds of Chinese students are there. But that month, COVID-19 had kept them from coming.
So, Walker and Becca stopped in at a small Chinese restaurant for lunch. They were able to talk to the Chinese staff and they gave a Chinese language Bible to a waiter. The woman who owned the restaurant talked to them. After other visits and discussions, the woman dedicated her life to Christ.
Today, let’s pray for Walker and Becca and for the Chinese people in Spain that they will hear the Gospel and believe.
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