There are four things you need to keep in mind when thinking about planting a church.
- Identifying the People Group
- Engaging the Community
- Establishing an Intentional Gathering
- Launching a New Church
IDENTIFY. Your local church can identify specific people groups who need the Gospel. The Church Planting Team of the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention is available to help you through this process through several different resources.
ENGAGE. The HPBC staff will assist your local church in formulating a strategy that will impact the community. This strategy will allow your church to interact with the local community and help develop lasting relationships.
ESTABLISH. Your local church will assist the community in establishing an intentional gathering to make disciples. They will also enlist a leadership team to guide the new church plant. HPBC will assist your church in discovering a church planter and the planter is required to go through the assessment process.
LAUNCH. Your local church will assist the intentional gathering to launch as a reproducing local church and will help them become an autonomous church. This includes constituting and affiliating with the local association and HPBC.