English Bible Camp
The “English Bible Camp” was held for 150 8th-grade girls from a local school. YIBC pastor Ben Howard said, “I am beyond grateful for our partnership with like-minded churches and missionaries to proclaim the Gospel and shine light into the lostness of this country of Japan.” He added, “This is a missionary school founded in 1886. Only about twenty percent of the teachers claim to be Christian, and far fewer students do.”
Natalie Nation, an IMB missionary sent from Pawa’a Community Church (Oahu), said, “The most impactful thing was that at the end of the weekend, we asked if anyone was interested in knowing more about God, and at least half raised their hands.” The girls were given a simple Japanese book about God’s love for them, QR codes with access to free bible resources in Japanese, and information about YIBC. Natalie added, “It was an absolute privilege to spend the weekend teaching about Jesus, praying for these girls, and serving alongside amazing people with hearts to see God moving in Japan.”
Pastor Howard said, “Reina Yamada, YIBC missions and outreach coordinator, did a wonderful job coordinating a team effort involving the multiple churches to train and help us prepare for the event. Due to God using Reina’s efforts, we truly had a unified team right from the beginning when we all met in person for the first time.” He added, “The 8th-grade girls told the school they really enjoyed it, and the principal and vice principal have already asked us to make it an annual event.”
Bi-monthly English Café
Kona Baptist was also able to help with a Hawaii-themed English Café. YIBC’s Reina Yamada shared that “Forty-five participants, including eighteen from Yokohama International Baptist, nine from Kona Baptist, and eighteen non-believers, participated.”
English Cafe is a bi-monthly event where YIBC members connect with the local neighborhood through English.