Sunday Highlight: August 3, 2025
Today we want to pray towards Louisville, Kentucky AND Honolulu, Hawaii. Pretty different places, huh?
First, let’s meet Shaw and Noe Okawara. Shaw has served nine years as pastor of Life Christian Church in Honolulu. It’s a thriving church whose building is near Pearl Harbor, not far from where the H1, H3 and H201 expressways meet like concrete spaghetti.
The church often has activities and outreach in a nearby park. Shaw ministers to spiritual needs in his congregation like marriages and parenting. He also ministers to the large military population nearby.
Each month Life Christian distributes food to 200+ needy families. Shaw works as a physical therapist to make ends meet.
Amid all that, how could Shaw work on a doctorate degree? Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, our Bible-believing Southern Baptist school in Louisville, provides online classes for busy pastors like Shaw — teaching available even far across the Pacific!
Our church supports Southern through our Cooperative Program giving, which allows the school to offer in-class or online teaching to students like Shaw at much less cost.
Southern is one of our six seminaries our church supports. Let’s pray for Shaw and Southern as they partner together in Kingdom ministry.
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