International Mission Board‘s Drs. Hal Cunnyngham and Amanda Dimperio Davis for a three-day training, “8 Steps of the Missions Continuum.” The training was held on Oahu at the Ala Moana Hotel conference area. Pastors and missions leaders from Oahu, Kauai, Hawaii Island, Maui, and Guam participated in instruction, Bible studies, and group activities.
Hal and Amanda covered the following topics:
- 4 Models for Missionary/Church/Agency/Field Relationships
5 Components of Missionary Assessment: Sending the Right People to the Right Place at the Right Time
6 Components of the Missionary Task
6 Critical Questions about Missions Involvement for the Local Church
8 Steps of the Missions Continuum
10 Questions to Aid in Understanding a New Culture
Steps to Becoming a Missions-Sending Church
Biblical Foundations for Missions
Missionary Care
Covenant Agreements
Hal Cunnyngham is Associate Vice President, Global Engagement, for the IMB and Dr. Amanda Dimperio Davis is Director of Globalization, Global Engagement
for the IMB.