Sunday Highlight: January 5, 2025
Today in our missions prayer time, let’s meet two of our missionaries we support through our Cooperative Program.
They are Gio and Priscila Ortiz serving in Leesburg, Virginia.
Head northwest from Washington, DC, for some 30 miles and you’ll come to Leesburg, part of the DC metro area. Many newcomers have moved in here, especially Hispanics.
That’s why we’re happy to have Gio and Priscila there planting Iglesia Biblica Bautista Emanuel, a new church reaching both Spanish and English speakers. The ministry is in partnership with our state convention, the SBC of Virginia.
Gio preaches Bible-based messages in Sunday worship services and he and Priscila share the gospel at every opportunity. But the church also disciples believers to share their faith in Christ.
One young man was a Hindu and believed in many gods until he attended Emanuel, heard the gospel and surrendered his life to Christ. He was baptized and now tells people about the one true God of the universe who sent His Son, Jesus, to save and transform his life.
Let’s pray for Gio and Priscila and ask God to grant them wisdom and boldness as they reach the lost!
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