Sunday Highlight: July 13, 2025
If you follow NFL football or NASCAR, heads up for prayer time.
We’re going to pray for two of our missionaries serving in Germany: Asa and Vanessa Watson.
Asa played tight end for the New England Patriots and the Dallas Cowboys and worked for a time on a pit crew for a NASCAR racing team. Vanessa ran track and was cheerleader in college. Now their four young children keep her running.
After Asa served as campus minister for a time, God called him and Vanessa to Germany. They are part of a house church network. Asa also teaches boxing at a gym in Frankfurt. That has been a good way to meet people, and he gets to have monthly church services there.
Asa and Vanessa both say sharing the gospel in Germany takes time to develop friendships with people. Only then can questions be asked and faith shared.
Asa’s background is a plus. NFL football is known even in Germany. People he meets often say something like, “Wait — you played for the NFL?! Why are you here?” He answers happily.
Our church supports Asa and Vanessa through the Cooperative Program.
Let’s pray for them now.
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