As 2023 approaches, your Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention is exploring new partnerships to bring valuable resources to Hawaii Pacific Baptist Churches. One of these partnerships is with the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB). Recently, TBMB sent several pastors and key leaders for a vision trip to see how they can better assist HPBC churches. Four pastors, an Associational Missionary, and TBMB staff returned to Tennessee with new ideas for assisting and being assisted by Hawaii Pacific Baptist churches. Be on the lookout for ways this partnership will develop in 2023. While Tennessee pastors were on Oahu, they heard from Rob and Donna Thommarson. The Thommarsons served as missionaries in Russia for many years before retiring to Hawaii Island, where Rob served as associate pastor of Puna Baptist Church. Rob and Donna shared with these pastors about the opportunity for them to begin a discipleship ministry to internationals in New Zealand sometime in 2023.
While Tennessee pastors were on Oahu, they heard from Rob and Donna Thommarson. The Thommarsons served as missionaries in Russia for many years before retiring to Hawaii Island, where Rob served as associate pastor of Puna Baptist Church. Rob and Donna shared with these pastors about the opportunity for them to begin a discipleship ministry to internationals in New Zealand sometime in 2023. If you are interested in learning more, contact HPBC’s Brian Smart at