Churches of the Asia Baptist Network (ABN) and friends gathered along with International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries, Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention (HPBC) representatives, and local pastors in Bangkok, Thailand, March 19-21, 2019. Calvary International Baptist Church (Pastor Martin and Carrie Chappell) in Bangkok, Thailand hosted the conference this year. The purpose of the three days was to foster fellowship, learning, and to invest in church leaders. Pastors, missionaries, and other leaders gathered from Thailand, Okinawa, Mainland Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, and Hawaii.
John Reimer, Senior Pastor of Koza Baptist Church (Okinawa) and ABN Moderator, presided over the conference. The keynote speaker was Dr. Richard Blackaby, President of Blackaby Ministries International. Other speakers included Rodney Woo, Pastor of International Baptist Church Singapore, the International Mission Board’s Keith McKinley, and HPBC Executive Director, Chris Martin. Several breakout workshops were offered as well.
On the last day of the conference 15 of the attendees participated in Calvary Baptist’s ministry to refugees in Bangkok with a visit to persons in the Refugee Detention Center.
Next year’s Asia Baptist Network will be hosted by Koza Baptist Church in Okinawa in early March 2020.