Four our first Pastors Forum of 2024, we’ve invited Mark Clifton to discuss, “The Current Church Landscape in the US.”
For more information about the forum, contact Dr. Craig Webb by email at
Mark is the executive director of church replanting and rural strategy at the North American Mission Board, the teaching pastor at Linwood Baptist Church, and a visiting professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
His experience includes serving as the lead mission strategist for the Kansas-Nebraska Convention, leading church planting efforts in the regions of North Metro Atlanta, GA, serving as a church planter in Montreal, Quebec, and as a Southern Baptist National Church Planting Missionary for eastern Canada, and leading Southern Baptist church planting projects west of the Mississippi. Clifton has been planting, replanting, and providing strategic mission leadership since 1978.
Mark is the author of Reclaiming Glory: Creating a Gospel Legacy throughout North America (B&H). He cohosts NAMB’s Revitalize and Replant podcast and is a regular contributor to several blogs and magazines.
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