Sunday Highlight: June 4, 2023
In our prayer time today, let’s focus our prayers on two of our missionaries in Iowa. Eric and Anna Trout, have planted a new church in Adel, Iowa. That’s about 30 miles west of downtown Des Moines, the state capital. Some 6,000 people live in Adel, and more new churches are needed to reach them for Christ. The new church, called Restoration Church, has been growing even while meeting in a school.
Many Restoration members work in a local community center. That helps them meet people from all over town — and makes the community more aware of the church. Also, Eric constantly meets many new people as he works in one of the town’s few coffee shops. New people get invited to member homes and eventually to church. Restoration Church also throws block parties to meet people and make connections that can lead to witnessing.
Restoration members have partnered with a local crisis intervention agency and even organized a fundraiser for it. Before today, most of you probably had not ever heard of a place called Adel, Iowa. But because many folks there do not know Jesus, our church wants somebody to go tell them. That’s what our missionaries, Eric and Anna, are doing. And that’s why we support them through our Cooperative Program giving. Let’s pray for them now.
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