Sunday Highlight: June 23, 2024
Dan and Lori Upchurch are our missionaries serving in Poland, and we want to pray for them today.
Earlier, they served in Ukraine but after war broke out there they had to leave. They moved to Zory, Poland, home of their Polish ministry partners, Bartosz and Zhanna, they worked with in Ukraine.
Zory is a city of about 63,000 people, located east of Kraków. Refugees from Ukraine have streamed through Zory on their way to Western Europe or elsewhere.
Some refugees attended local Polish churches, but none of the churches offered worship in Ukrainian. So the two missionaries planted a Ukrainian-speaking Christian community church.
They began preaching and teaching the Bible in Ukrainian. Slowly members began to see themselves as a true church. For a special outreach service, members invited 300 Ukrainians. One woman committed her life to Christ. The next day, she moved on to Germany.
Nobody knows how long the war in Ukraine will last. But Dan and Lori are committed to leaving a strong church as one good result of a horrific war.
Let’s pray for Dan and Lori, who our church supports through the Cooperative Program.
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