Sunday Highlight: May 5, 2024
Today we’re going to pray for one of our missionaries, Clay Myatt, who has planted a new church in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.
Cleveland is his hometown and God showed him new churches are urgently needed here. He assembled a team of believers willing to join him in the planting effort. Now the new King’s Cross Church meets on Chester Avenue downtown, a few blocks from Cleveland State University and near the shores of Lake Erie.
More than 20,000 people live in the neighborhood already and it’s the fastest-growing area downtown. Many residents are professionals in their 20s and 30s. People come here from around the world to work and attend graduate school.
The church’s first baptism was a Brazilian woman who had come to faith in Christ earlier but never been baptized.
The young church reaches out to the community through block parties and outreach efforts at the university. They’ve also begun to set up home groups to expand their outreach into more neighborhoods.
Our church is helping support Clay and this new church through our Cooperative Program giving. Let’s pray for him and the church as they share Christ in the heart of Cleveland.
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