Sunday Highlight: January 2
Today we’re going to pray for one of our missionaries in Northern Africa. Our church supports her through our Cooperative Program giving. We’ll call her Vivian Carter, not her real name. That’s because she lives in a dangerous country and her ministry focus is Muslim women.
Vivian was 10 years old when she told God that if He wanted her to go to Africa, she would go. It was 35 years, three children and a deserting husband later that she made good on that promise. Now she is establishing programs to help women recover from emotional and mental trauma. She teaches Bible stories which tell how people recovered from pain, betrayal, and loss with God’s help.
Vivian and other workers also plan to set up a new internet site that will answer questions about faith and enable people to hear the gospel. Let’s pray for Vivian and her new life of ministry. She has survived with God’s help. She knows He will help others like her.
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