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Disciple-making with Dr. Gus Hernandez on our Pastors Forum
Disciple-making with Dr. Gus Hernandez on our Pastors Forum
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Category: Pastoral Ministry

Pastors and Disciple-making


Dr. Gus Hernandez, Jr. spoke to us about the Replicate model of disciple-making and d-groups.

See downloads at the end of this description.

Gus is helping to plant a church in Miami after serving five years as Spiritual Formation Pastor at Long Hollow Baptist in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

He’s a co-author of the Foundations New Testament and has led training in disciple-making around the country (including multiple times here in Hawaii with our collegiate ministry). He has a Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Gus will be focusing on a model of disciple-making from Replicate Ministries where one man disciples 2-4 other men or one woman disciples 2-4 other women in a “d-group.” After 1 year to 18 months, each person being discipled leads their own d-group.

D-Group Starter Kit PDF

D-Group Pulse Check PDF