Sunday Highlight: February 9, 2025
Today let’s pray for two our missionaries serving in one of the Asian Pacific Rim countries.
We’ll call them Thomas and Harper, but that’s not their real names. The caution is because they are serving in a Muslim area where people have zero religious freedom.
If believers are identified as Christians, they can be fired from their jobs. They can lose their homes and other property. Worse, they can be disowned by their families and wind up living on the street. They might even be killed.
Despite such dangers, people do come to faith in Christ. They want to know what the Bible teaches. They realize the precious gospel of Jesus is worth the risks.
First-century Christians faced similar dangers, but they managed to turn the world upside down.
Through the Cooperative Program our church is supporting Thomas and Harper in their dangerous ministry. They are among the more than 5,300 Southern Baptist missionaries we also support overseas, again through the Cooperative Program.
Let’s pray now for Thomas and Harper. We can be confident that the Lord knows who and where they are right now. And let’s pray for those new believers, risking their lives to know Jesus.
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