Sunday Highlight: April 6, 2025
For two years, Ronaldo and Isabel Muñoz have been sharing the gospel to reach the Mixteco people in Richmond, Virginia.
The Mixteco people don’t speak Spanish, but their own language, Mixteco, a dialect spoken in Mexico. Through the church plant, Ronaldo and Isabel are reaching this people group, whose religion, according to anthropologists, dates back thousands of years.
The Mixtecos tribe considered that each element of nature possessed a divine spirit and that interaction with these beings was fundamental for their existence and well-being. Centuries after the Spanish conquest in Latin America, the Mixtecos mixed Catholicism with their polytheistic beliefs.
Pray for for our church planter Ronaldo, his wife Isabel, and their church planting team who are sharing the gospel with the Mixtecos to renounce their traditions and beliefs and to believe in Jesus Christ as the only true God.
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