Sunday Highlight: May 14, 2023
Today in our prayer time, let’s pray for our missionaries Richard and Karen Lee. Our church is happy that we are helping support their ministry in Tanzania, Africa, through our Cooperative Program giving. The Lees are based in Dar Es Salam, Tanzania’s largest city, with several million residents. Most of their time is spent reaching people for Christ and teaching the Bible.
Our Southern Baptist missionaries are trying to reach out to 55 unreached people groups across Africa in the next several years, so the missions challenge is huge. But Richard and Karen have also enjoyed reaching out to Southern Baptist churches in America — especially African American ones. When African American missionaries walk up to the front of the church, there is great excitement. All sorts of people are needed to serve as missionaries.
Richard recalls a similar response when they first arrived in Tanzania. Local Africans were amazed, then quite happy, that missionaries who look like them had come. Richard likes to quote Revelation 7, which describes the great multitude of all kind of folks gathered around to praise Jesus. Let’s pray for Richard and Karen and ask the Lord to bless them as they represent both Jesus and missions to people in America and Africa.
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