Sunday Highlight: February 27
Today in our prayer time let’s focus on one of our missionaries in a very difficult place to reach people for Christ. We’ll call him Ralph Adair, not his real name. That’s because he serves in a part of South Asia which is mostly Muslim. We Southern Baptists have been sending missionaries there for some 20 years, but response has been small. There are local believers, but most are afraid to share their faith in Christ.
But Ralph is hopeful. He is hopeful a time is coming when local believers will rise strongly and begin proclaiming the gospel. One local believer — we’ll call him Saalim — has begun witnessing, because he wants to see his nation turn to Christ. Ralph says Saalim may become the key to more local believers beginning to share their faith.
Our church supports Ralph through our Cooperative Program giving. Let’s join him in praying that a mighty movement of God will happen where he serves.
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