Sunday Highlight: April 17
We’re going to East Asia today for our missions prayer time. Our missionary, Penny Sargent, serves in East Asia, where she focuses on reaching women for Christ.
A while back she was moping around because she did not get to have a short vacation break out of the city. But that very week she met three women who did not follow Christ. She began to meet with them and within two months, all three of them had put their faith in Christ. Penny says seeing people come to Christ is the best vacation ever!
Soon after these women made decisions for Christ, COVID-19 put the country on lockdown. Penny had to leave the country. If Penny had left town when she originally planned, those women might have never heard the gospel.
Let’s pray now for our missionary, Penny, and thank the Lord that she turned a short-term loss into a gain for eternity.
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