Sunday Highlight: June 19
Today in our missions prayer time, we’re going to pray for Mark and Hannah Bustrum, who are serving in Portugal. They are two of the many missionaries our church supports across Europe through our Cooperative Program giving. Just over 10 million people live in Portugal; it’s estimated evangelical Christians number fewer than 50,000.
Since 2019 Mark and Hannah have been planting a new church. But, from its beginning, they have had input and help from Portuguese Baptists in how to proceed. Together, the team determined where to put the church and how to train its leaders. Mark and Hannah say local believers know their culture and the best ways to reach lost people for Christ. Local leaders suggest taking time to build good relationships with lost people, as opposed to rushing to get results.
That new church started with prayer, fasting and Bible study by our missionaries and local believers. “God’s work, God’s way, God’s timing” was their strategy in a nutshell. Let’s pray now for Mark and Hannah and their church planting partnerships in Portugal. Let’s ask God for many new churches to reach the millions of lost people there.
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