Sunday Highlight: June 1, 2025
Let’s focus our missions prayer time today on Japan. Specifically, let’s pray for Josh and Hannah Long, two of our Southern Baptist missionaries who serve in Yokohama.
This is a huge city of 3.7 million people located south of Tokyo, the capital. There are some churches in the city, but thousands more are needed to truly reach the many lost people.
Japan has about 123 million people and fewer than two million of them are Christian — it’s a challenging place to plant the gospel!
Josh and Hannah served in another country for many years and transferred to Japan more than three years ago. They have worked hard on mastering the Japanese language, one of the most difficult languages for English speakers to learn. Japanese uses three alphabets; to read a newspaper one must know nearly 2,000 characters.
Now Josh and Hannah serve in a local Japanese church and also partner with other Southern Baptist missionaries on planting a new church.
Our church is supporting Josh and Hannah through our Cooperative Program giving.
Let’s pray for them now. Let’s ask God to help Josh and Hannah speak Japanese well so they can share Christ with people who need Him!
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