Sunday Highlight: July 10
In our missions prayer time today, we’re going to pray for one of our missionary couples serving in Japan. Let’s call them Jack and Prinna. Our church supports them through our Cooperative Program giving.
They need our prayers because Japan is one of the most difficult mission fields in Asia. Baptists and other church groups have sent missionaries to Japan for many years. But response to the gospel has been small.
To this day there are relatively few evangelical Christians in Japan — less than half of one percent of the population. Jack and Prinna moved to Fukuoka, Japan in 2016. They started prayer walking in all directions from their apartment. They tried to meet people and talk with them.
In 2020, they saw a woman and her granddaughter profess faith in Christ and they were baptized. Others in their family had become Christians through many meetings, classes and discussions. Let’s pray for Jack and Prinna as they continue to look for ways to share Christ with this lost nation.
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