You are invited to join us for this special celebration of looking back at what God has done through WMU as well as what WMU is looking forward to in the future. Sandra Wisdom-Martin, national WMU Executive Director/Treasurer, will be our main speaker. We will also hear from current International Mission Board (IMB) field workers who will share about their work in East Asia. You will also get an update on how the Sue Nishikawa Offering for Hawaii Pacific Missions has furthered Kingdom work throughout the Pacific.
Saturday, February 2, 2019
10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Honolulu Country Club
690 Ala Pu’umalu St, Honolulu, Hawaii
$30 per person includes plated lunch
Special Guest:
Sandra Wisdom-Martin
National WMU Executive Director/Treasurer
Register online by Jan. 18, 2019
Make checks payable and send to: Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention, 2042 Vancouver Dr., Honolulu, HI 96822.
Note: Unfortunately registrations after January 18 are not guaranteed a plated lunch.
Note: Parking is not allowed in the lot closest to the club house unless you are a club member. Free parking is available in the 2nd and 3rd parking lots. A circle drive for dropping off passengers is located at the entrance to the club house.
Aloha attire: In honor of our 75th Anniversary it would be fun for you ladies to wear mu’umu’us if you have one.
Men, an aloha shirt is appropriate.
For more info e-mail Teresa McCain, Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention Women’s Missionary Union Director, at or call HPBC office 808-946-9581
REGISTRATION is now CLOSED. Please call 808-356-8325 to see if there are any openings.
HILO REGISTRATION is still open for the BIG ISLAND,
WMU 75th
Come and Hear:
- What has been done through WMU for the past 75 years in our islands
- What WMU is looking forward to in the future
- National WMU Executive Director Sandra Wisdom-Martin encourage us in our work here in Hawaii and Pacific
- Current field workers update International Southern Baptist work in an area we specifically prayed for this past year
- How the Sue Nishikawa Offering for Hawaii Pacific Mission has furthered Kingdom work throughout the Pacific
Guest Speakers
Sandra Wisdom Martin
WMU Executive Director