Sunday Highlight: June 8, 2025
Let’s start prayer time with a question. How does a missionary learn to be a missionary?
One answer: our six Southern Baptist seminaries that our church helps support through the Cooperative Program. Students go to seminary to learn more about what the Bible teaches, but also many other topics involved with missionary service.
One of our seminaries is Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Dean Sieberhagen is the interim dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions there. He teaches missionaries how to “mish.”
He’s a native of South Africa. Dean and his brothers were saved attending a Sunday school class; then they led their parents to Christ. Dean’s father became a missionary. Later Dean and his wife moved with their four children to Central Asia and served 13 years as Southern Baptist missionaries, through our International Mission Board.
Dean’s rich missionary experience enables him to teach with authority. He and his wife also host students in their home for Sunday lunch; at Thanksgiving they host international students. Their field of service has changed, but they still “mish.”
Let’s pray for Dean and his wife as they teach, train and disciple students for lifetimes of service for Him.
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