Sunday Highlight: July 2, 2023
Let’s focus prayer today on our missionaries in Wisconsin. Dave and Brie Jacobson, launched City on a Hill Church in 2017. It has become a healthy, growing congregation in Fitchburg. That’s a cause for joy because Fitchburg is part of Greater Madison, a city with few evangelical churches or evangelical Christians. The area around the church is diverse, with low-income housing and many single-parent families. Fitchburg is south of downtown Madison, out where the city fades into farmland. During COVID-19, Dave and Brie helped provide boxes of fresh farm food to homes in their neighborhood. That gave them a way to meet and pray with hundreds of families.
These days City on a Hill Church hosts block parties and other events to meet people and share the Gospel. Dave and Brie have started planting a new church in a nearby community, again in a place new evangelical churches are needed badly. They also hope to plant a Spanish-speaking church to reach the growing number of Hispanics settling in Fitchburg.
Our church is partnering with Dave and Brie as they minister there in Wisconsin, because part of our church’s Cooperative Program giving goes to them. Let’s thank the Lord for the healthy church our missionaries have planted. And, let’s ask Him to bless their efforts to plant the next ones.
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