Sunday Highlight: July 23, 2023
Today we’re going to pray for Cody Vest. He’s a different kind of missionary — he’s a Southern Baptist chaplain in the U.S. Army. He has been evaluated and endorsed by our North American Mission Board. That endorsement process is how we work with more than 3,700 chaplains of many kinds, including military ones. Our mission board is the link between the chaplains and Southern Baptists across the country. Also, our board provides regular training events for chaplains in many locations to make chaplains better ministers.
Now, back to Cody Vest. He is a lieutenant colonel in the Army. That’s a high rank. Cody serves on the staff of the Army Chief of Chaplains, so he can have an impact on the entire Army. Cody has helped military families deal with the stress that can weaken military families who often face frequent moves, separation and dangerous situations. Long-time worry can lead to loss of sleep, drug abuse and the like, he says. Cody wrote in a Kentucky base newspaper that faith in God can help eliminate worry. “God is still in control,” he reminded the soldiers.
Now, our church does not help pay Cody’s salary, not beyond the taxes we pay. But our Cooperative Program giving does help our mission board see that Southern Baptist chaplains are effective ministers who believe the Bible as we do. Let’s pray now for Chaplain Cody Vest and his ministry.
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