Sunday Highlight: September 3, 2023
Today let’s go to Florida — not for vacation, but to pray for two of our missionaries. Cody and Kristen Chester have planted a new church called Christ Community Church South Brevard. It’s located in Palm Bay, Florida, near Melbourne, not far from the Atlantic coast. The “South Brevard” part of the name means they are in the southern part of Brevard County. The church currently meets in a building on Agora Circle, a few blocks from I-95.
Cody was in church ministry for eight years before he and Kristen and their two kids moved to Palm Bay in 2019. The church was launched on Easter Sunday last year (2022). Within a few weeks, six people came to faith in Christ and others were exploring baptism. Cody says he and his planting team are passionate about reaching people across the county for Christ. The church is being backed by First Baptist Church of Melbourne; this is one of 10 churches that congregation intends to help plant in 10 years.
Cody and Kristen are also partnering with the Florida Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board. That’s where our church comes in because we support the Cooperative Program through our giving. Let’s pray now and ask God to bless Cody and Kristen as they minister for Him there in Florida. Let’s ask God to honor their vision of reaching thousands for Christ across Brevard County.
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