Sunday Highlight: August 20, 2023
For our prayer time today, let’s focus on the West Coast. Chase and Laura Feindel are our North American missionaries serving in Vista, California. That’s about a 40-minute drive north of San Diego. Nearly 100,000 people live in the Vista area. Vista is a beautiful area near the Pacific, but few people follow Christ. Out of more than three million people who live in and around San Diego, only about 10% say they are evangelical Christians. Literally, hundreds of new churches are needed.
Chase and Laura have set up home groups and they try many things to make their new church known in the community. During the pandemic of 2020, they kept meeting when they could do so safely, but moved to outside gatherings at a ranch-type conference center. Our North American Mission Board has sent a number of missionaries like Chase and Laura to the San Diego area because of the great spiritual needs. More are needed. About 40 million people live in California. It’s one of our greatest missions challenges. Our church supports Chase and Laura through our Cooperative Program giving as they try to meet that challenge. Let’s pray for them now.
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