As a new semester begins at the University of Hawaii (UH), the work of collegiate ministry is ramping up. College ministry happens through on-campus outreach, fellowship events, midweek worship, meals, discipleship groups, and fun excursions.
Both the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) and the International Ministries (IM) took a group of students to Hanauma Bay on the East side of Oahu on the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. More than 50 UH students, Oklahoma Baptist University students (here on a mission trip), and leaders snorkeled in the bay and fellowshipped in the shade of coconut palms.
The UH students are from all over the United States and all over the globe. Arjay Gruspe is the state director of Baptist Collegiate Ministries. John Allison is associate director. Carlye Lawrence is the director of International Ministries.